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The Identity and Influences in Youth

One of the aspects to be understood in the individual evolution of the human being is the importance of the depersonalization of psychology. What does that mean? It is to wring from the ego all its mechanized attachments via dogmas, philosophies, spirituality and even ways of thinking that no longer serve its individual evolution. But first there is an origin to all this mechanism that develops from youth to adulthood. First of all before continuing, I would like to warn that there are no references in what I am saying, nor empirical studies; these are observations that I have made since the evolution of my person, the development of my sense of observation and facts that may be observable in certain cases. So rather than waiting for laboratory observations, I prefer to immerse myself in the real world without contextualization rather to live a distance between the world and empirical studies that do not identify all the nuances of human existence.

To understand the human being, we must first of all see that each individual is born in a family, social, economic and cultural context. During the development of childhood, the young will experience some shocks related to the discovery of the outside world, education and life events that parents live. These little shocks form what I call existential anxieties that are the origin of the creation of the ego shaping the way of thinking in its defensive mechanics. When I became aware of this triad in the phases of psychosis, I decided to write it on paper by defining these three principles: the fear of madness, the fear of depression and the fear of separation. These three elements arise in different ways and each constitutes a series of psychological attitudes that can lead the ego to suffer from certain events in which the actors in its environment become a response to this attitude, which may be negative or positive. These anxieties are recorded in the nervous system, especially the celiac plexus because there is always a point there that is felt when a person experiences a lot of anxiety in situations that the brain interprets as past trauma. Then the system memorizes some patterns that the brain will interpret in the same way even if the elements of the environment are different.

So one of the first principles tested in youth is that of separation. With this fear, there is this desire of the ego of the young developing to be accepted by his pairs. The fashion phenomenon among young people is often dangerous against the development of a constructive and intelligent identity in the perception of its future. Normally, neither young people nor parents are educated to understand the danger of influences because we are not able to measure the consequences of psychological attitudes on the mental life of our evolution. For example: A young person to develop his sense of belonging, he will want to impress others by taking drugs or having a flirting attitude towards girls to prove his masculinity. What the young person does not see is that his way of thinking is not individualized, in other words the young person is not able to develop a center of gravity where the outer waves will not affect his life. So we come to the importance of having an identity.

The identity of young people is often conditional as adults can be. This lack of identity that allows some constant influences on the being more and more encompassed by technologies and the globalization of ideas, will take him into experiences that can destroy his psychic life. Because the problem is not the forms (ideas, technologies, religions, movies, etc.) that come to the individual, but the attitude he takes in relation to these forms. So, in depth the young person has no discernment. If the youth develops discernment and critical thinking, he would see behind the form to neutralize its influential nature. Example: A young person can love pop music or rap. By having no evolutionary psychology to understand the causal aspects of events, he will adhere to a psychological attitude where this music will encourage the ego in this non-constructive way. Because some artists use music to say that men or women are stupid, blame others and emphasize the reinforcement of the ego in its emotional aspect. So the behavior of young people is only the tip of the iceberg, while the lack of discernment and being impressionable will make young people more and more off center while having no chance to understand their lives.

Just as one would blame the parents; parents too do not necessarily have the discernment about influences, and what they have not settled will be passed on to the next generation in children (transgenerational trauma). It is quite observable that the anxiety of the young people leads to build their will to supplant the old ideas of the previous generations because some people of authorities as closed as they are in paradigms, their incomprehension of their own life and young people, encourages this opposition between generations. In recent years, we have been talking about the rise of autism, ADHD, mental illness; all this is normal since it is part of the mutation of young people in the incapacity of men to be able to have the will to change things. We tend to forget that the mind predisposed by events conditions psychological attitudes and then the development of certain traumas by other events stemming from the lineage of these attitudes and that the person will take away this baggage in the child who may be born from this individual. For example: parents who have not put the cross on their past (expression about fixing a problem), will want to let off steam by beating their young, blame them for everything, while it is themselves who have no faculty to see to what they are themselves the source of the problems in which the young will behave in response to what the unconscious individual does not see of himself. All this is not philosophy, but causal findings between the creation of events and our way of thinking.

For youth to evolve, it requires prevention and awareness on the development of an intelligence of life. Usually we said that a person with a good memory of theories was intelligent, but it is completely wrong in a perspective of psychic evolution. A smart person is a person who has transparency, who does not have any relationship of dominant authority towards others, who is creative, who uses all the elements to create something new rather than serve the continuity of a problem. The best example is the philosophy of Descartes: He did bring "I think, therefore I am" and the concept of "animal-machine"; it's the most stupid philosophical ideas that have existed on this planet, but was useful for a while. Why the first point? It was born our attitudes towards animals, lack of consciousness in other living beings and misunderstanding of the importance of the ecosystem. Also, we are not necessarily our thoughts because they are the product of an influence, a condition that we are not able to see its consequence in time. If I have been able to heal myself and thwart the mechanism of psychosis, it is by knowing that thought comes from elsewhere and not from myself; it is the basis of discernment and psychic discipline. As a human being, we idealize the past that is completely reflective of our lack of creativity and critical thinking. Then the day when the individual will be able to put in the garbage Descartes, as the religion or the nationality, there will be no more psychological barrier and the human being will be able to consider himself as a being without enclosure. Individually, this can be understandable and that is why the collective evolution will be done very slowly with a lot of conflicts because a conscious individual can no longer be magnetized by people who want to impose their power on the freedom to think and to be (not in the political sense of the term).

Then there is the power of youth to create this capacity to be individual while working in a team with parents and understanding the utility of external elements in their lives to shape an intelligence approach to the oppositions of life. But fundamentally, the young person will have to have a lot of discernment in the influence and be selective in relation to what happens in society then even the individuals coming in his own life. The more the individual is centered, the less he will be subject to influence and by a deep study of causality, his ability to measure the emotional instability of human beings will be much more acute that will lead him to protect himself psychically from the mistakes of others . The extremism that is so much conveyed and perceived by the media is the product of responses between emotional reaction in several conditions of our society, for example: the niqab is taken as the sign of feminine freedom in its religion for certain groups versus people who did study the Koran, says that it is not a religious garment, but a political instrument that has nothing to do with religion. Then in both sides, there is the question of those who try to build an identity in relation to these subjective conceptions and there are those who have experienced difficult events in connection with this garment in a subjective way and then its symbolic in the formerly inhabited by them.

More and more people having an education will have to transcend intellectualism to be able to connect to reality. As documented by some documentaries and professors' sayings, the danger of the misunderstanding of our society can also come from the "superintellectualisation" which tends to mechanize the human relationship always related to studies which will not be in accord with intuition. While intuition, with a good intellectual education, will encompass more nuanced human relationships that need a reciprocal understanding that could take the individual to go further in his intervention. But because of the empiricism, we make more mistakes from a human perspective because we are afraid of being wrong whose origin comes from the system of truth and falsehood. A fact is a fact, but the perception of life and the creation of a new psychic dynamism has no truths as thought religion. Truth is a subjective psychological perception to make one believe that one is in the good without taking into account that the false psychological of the other in relation to oneself is an element of a mismanagement of our energy according to psychological closures which can come from oneself or a lack of discernment in the creation of a relational tie.

Having connections with young people, it is observable this new social behavior of social networks where these people take screenshots to prove the truth, to postpone, to discredit and the importance of emotionality. For example, a video game or cartoon can be very popular, then a virtual community will come into being; what is called a "fandom". The behavioral pattern returns to the same as the religion where there is an ideal '' god '' containing actors becoming the '' priests '' of this ideal (a lot of postage on the subject where a social network profile is created expressly for this subject). There are also artists who work to create works around the work (ideal-god) where some people can be intimidated because of a non-respect made by the artist in his art, by example: the sex change of a character. The drama among teenagers is very present. In the category I can meet, are those living with depression and anxiety; another type of young person who goes in the opposite direction of other young people said "mainstream". This cohort of young introverted will be much more interested in alternative music, enter depth in intellectual subjects, to requestion and be as critical as the young '' mainstream ''. On the other hand, on one side or another, the ego is still the focal point of the youth issue since it is in development in these ages.

On the gender side, I have a friend with whom I spoke recently and he is much more connected to the LGBT movement than me. For a long time I see him evolve in these questions about gender as many young people are questioning, since I have been in contact with people wanting to change their sex or who wanted to be more feminized or masculinized. I said to this person:

"You see, I do not have that questioning and I hate being polarized on one side or the other. I do not feel in need of feeling man or feeling woman, but only to be in agreement with my inner child who is the product of both. Otherwise, if I extrapolate in the polarity man, I would try to dominate, I would like to be "macho", if not on the female side, I would try to feminize myself at the level of clothing and to victimize my existence while ignoring the stake of this conditioning on my personal life. Everything we are living in our positions as suffering comes to disengage us from these polarities. So, by not looking for any male or female polarity, I am no longer a victim of the reflection of the two genders or extremes prized by people who are looking for a fictional identity in a society that should not even be the boat of our identity. I have nothing to prove to society; I build my own identity center without playing the game of gender duality psychologically. From that moment, you destroy the philosophical question of gender, and the dynamism of your mind changes because all actions in life come from a way of thinking that can be evolutionary or completely obsolete. So you no longer have the psychological suffering of the question that frees your mind from useless weight; then the question no longer exists. People are suffering because they are incapable or society is incapable of providing answers to create the defeat of the ego in its reflection.

But when I say that, it is not to say that I am against the change of sex. I respect these people, they are very sensitive people, but I question this social reflection on the question of gender which is categorized more and more. Then I brought this comment in a social network that the day when we will no longer put psychological identity in connection with the genital organ, we will be free from some questions and if really people want to eliminate the issue of gender, it would be necessary to transform a whole paradigm in the dress code, norms, values, etc. Given the number of individuals following the gender paradigm, this would be impossible and there would be a fracture in society. To be well, one must live an indivisible awareness that is not bipolarized between a sensitive energy specific to femininity and the fire of man in its intensity. The agreement of these two elements can only be experienced at the psychic level. But this transformation of the self requires a lot to subdue the ego that is not self in its potential. Indeed, there is always a duality not only in genders, but also in the perception of the ego and the self that wants to stop suffering. But the bad habit of the ego is to blame others as it has been said before.

Education on the discernment of influences begins at a young age. The parent who does not dominate, is a parent who can communicate, take the young in some immersion experiences to see how comes the consequences of influences. The idea is not to restrict the activities of the young person, but to point out the possibilities. So if the youth is tempted to experience, he will experiment with the conditions and consequences to see what he has been warned of. Obviously, the human being is like a baby because even if he is warned to not touch the fire, he will touch the fire because his nervous system has not cerebrally recorded the experience as a new memory of perception of fire. But since not everyone experiences the same experiences and the ego is variable, it is normal to live in a chaotic society that will foster more and more anxiety and insanity. generations to come. And not all of a sudden, but gradually the number will increase over time. Why? Because we erected a system before building a good foundation that is well-being. Mental health is very neglected and misunderstood as a phenomenon, and then the social-economic factors do not favor the human condition at all because of the idea of ​​performance and the speed that exceeds the average human capacity.

The human being thinks that identity comes from society, but that is only a fictional identity. In fact, we are part of a universal whole that is completely highlighted by the astrophysicist Hubert Reeves in his book '' We are all star dust '' explaining that the nuclei of the atoms constituting us were generated in the center of dead stars billions of years ago. And it is not a question of spirituality, but a question of belonging to an atomic and electromagnetic system that has formed the cells necessary for the biological creation of the human being. The real identity is that belonging to the dynamism of the universe which has no religion, no philosophy, which obeys laws of creation and destruction. It is a bit the same thing on the psychic level because thoughts represent forms to be destroyed to create news. This law of evolution is totally natural and universal, but the human being does not obey because of his system of thinking and memory forming his ego that prevents him from getting rid of his own psychological enclosure attached to a feeling of social belonging. Today we are in this culture of the ego: male hegemony, ego-portrait (selfie), influencers, beauty products, hypersexualization, internet, etc. Society gives a great importance to the form rather than the substance and it is often like this that the human being behaves on a psychological level: Put plaster instead of changing the rotten wood. And besides, since the arrival of technologies in its rhythm of instantaneity, human beings have conditioned themselves to them. So the reward system has accelerated and that is why many individuals have problems of patience and lack of education of their environment. If the human being realized that this conditioning is part of the equation of his misery, he would realize very quickly the number of contracts he signed without having read and which resulted in negative consequences in his life. as experiences through events.

In conclusion, young people will have to develop a center of gravity so that they can be much more flexible in the face of life regardless of currents that oppose as obstacles in their path. Whether it is in the professional or in love, young people with this flexibility, will have the ability to pass over these oppositions because the ego being mated, will no longer interfere in this process of evolution at the psychological level . For example: A young person who loses his job must know that it is not a loss, but the opportunity to find another that can allow him to go further in his interests as for love where he can live a much healthier couple. But for that to be possible, it need a constructive and evolutionary psychology, in other words a psychology that is not based on the losses, but the gains and the possibilities of reactivation of the will. Then also understand that there is no free will or chance because even the decisions we make are conditional on our experience and our way of thinking.

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